CONWAY -- All night long, University of Central Arkansas pitchers tried to keep things small.
The Bears allowed just two extra-base hits, but the first came at a crucial time to pad the lead in Lipscomb's 7-3 baseball win Friday night at Bear Stadium.
Through the first eight innings, UCA starter Jesse Barker allowed 4 runs, 3 earned, on 6 singles and 2 walks. To start the ninth inning, reliever Mason Griffin drew contact from the first three batters he saw.
After a flyout to center field, the Bears' defense dropped a popup on the infield and couldn't make the play on a bunt single to put two runners on for Alex Vergara.
Vergara led the Bisons (17-27, 12-10 ASUN) in home runs entering Friday and would soon add to his tally.
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