The University of Central Arkansas softball team faced weather delays for the second time in two weeks Thursday as its first game was delayed hours and its second delayed a day at the ASUN Tournament in Oxford, Ala.
The third-seeded Bears (25-26-1) first lost to No. 2 seed North Florida (34-16) in the tournament quarterfinals 6-3. They then played two scoreless innings against No. 5 North Alabama (35-18) before a second wave of severe weather went through the area, suspending the game until 10 a.m. Friday.
Against North Florida, UCA fell behind early as it allowed three of the first four batters to reach safely and three to score in the inning. North Florida's Shannon Glover opened the scoring with a two-run double before coming into score on a double by Chloe Culp to make it 3-0.
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