UA Little Rock names Cuervo next athletic director
March 25, 2024 at 6:50 p.m.
Mike Harley
The University of Arkansas-Little Rock named Frank Cuervo its athletic director in a press release Monday. Cuervo comes to Little Rock from Chicago, where he was the deputy director of athletics/chief revenue officer at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) since August of 2021.
Cuervo’s career in collegiate athletics spans 26 years and includes stops at Missouri, Indiana, Southeast Missouri State and the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Conference realignment, improving student academic success and facility upgrades are among the responsibilities Cuervo has been tasked with over the years.
“Frank Cuervo is uniquely qualified to lead Little Rock Trojans Athletics into the future,” UALR Chancellor Christina Drale said Monday in a release from the university. “His extensive experience, coupled with a proven track record of success in enhancing athletic programs and developing strong community and university relationships, makes him the ideal choice for this critical role.”
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