Trojans’ new AD brings experience

Frank Cuervo
Frank Cuervo

There was a buzz in the air Wednesday morning as the University of Arkansas-Little Rock introduced Frank Cuervo as its new athletic director at a standing room-only news conference.

Cuervo comes to Little Rock from Chicago where he had been deputy director of athletics/chief revenue officer at the University of Illinois-Chicago since August 2021.

"[Cuervo] has a commendable track record in enhancing athletic programs through collaborative leadership, community engagement and a creative mix of fundraising and revenue generation initiatives," UALR Chancellor Christina Drale said as she introduced Cuervo.

"His vision for the future of the Little Rock Trojans aligns well with our aspirations to not only compete at the highest levels, but to cultivate student-athletes who excel both in their academic and athletic endeavors.

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