Our gardens are popping with color

Last year we were celebrating new growth on our plants at this time, and this year, our plants are thriving.  I have gardenias


and big leaf hydrangeas


in bloom--both of which were non-existent last year.  Once my gardenias finish their first flush of blooms, I need to do some corrective pruning. They grew back last year (from the tops), but the bottoms are pretty shy of foliage.


 Some thinning should help to thicken them back up.  

The summer spireas are in full bloom  


Once they finish, I will give them a haircut and they will bounce back and bloom again.  My hypericum 


or St. John's wort is blooming nicely and the bees love the interesting flowers


as much as I do.  

In addition to the blooming shrubs, the summer perennials are kicking in and showing off.

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