A fabulous April!

I think April 2022 might rank as the best April ever!  I have started doing public speaking events again--one online, but two in person--Garland County Master Gardener plant sale


and the Bella Vista Garden Club


after which I taped a tv show with Geri Hoerner.  I got to visit with so many old friends and made some new ones, plus had a great time catching up with my friend who I stayed with.  I went to the races in Hot Springs with friends


, celebrated Easter with most of our family, had a few dinner parties,


spent a fun weekend with Beth and Sandy


in Hot Springs, went to a rotary event,


went to a garden talk at Chenal CC, a wine event,


two book clubs, Soup Sunday, a retirees luncheon, a visit from my brother-in-law and dinner at the Grumpy Rabbit,  and ended with a road trip to Paducah, KY.

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