It feels like summer!

Last week started off amazing!  There was low humidity, mild temperatures, and clear skies. It was perfect gardening weather, and I for one, took advantage of it.


 I was out all three days, weeding, deadheading, edging, trimming, and even planting.  I fertilized all my summer annuals, flowering tropicals, and vegetables.  I harvested more blueberries, a lone couple of blackberries, peppers, a tomatillo,


a squash, and my first cherry tomatoes of the season.  I wish we could have that weather every day in the summer.  But of course, we live in Arkansas, and that is not to be.  The heat and humidity reared their heads late in the week, and each day since it has been hotter and more humid.  We wake up to it and it just gets worse as the day progresses.

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