Hoch, Stone win 2021 Little Rock Marathon

Tia Stone and Joseph Hoch, the women and men winners of the Little Rock marathon, talk with one another after finishing the race on Sunday, November 21, 2021. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)
Tia Stone and Joseph Hoch, the women and men winners of the Little Rock marathon, talk with one another after finishing the race on Sunday, November 21, 2021. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)

Joe Hoch of Stoughton, Wisc. won the men's Little Rock City Marathon on Sunday, while Tia Stone won her fifth women's title at the race in six years.

Hoch, 39, won with a time of 2:49.19. Stone, 42, of Searcy, won in 3:01.47.

Steve Hughes, 73, was the first hand-cyclist to cross the finish line, with a time of 3:16.03.

In the men's division, Nathan Kary, 38, of Minneapolis, finished second in 2:51.56. Shane Poland, 37, of Vilonia was third in 2:52.58.

[Video not showing up above? Click here to watch » arkansasonline.com/1121hoch/]

In the women's division, Christina Addison, 33, of Burlington, Kan. finished second in 3:06.04. Jenny Wilkes, 38, of Little Rock was third in 3:15.43.

Hoch encountered several obstacles on his trip to Little Rock.

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