Beckett, Dollas win 2022 Little Rock Marathon

First place winners Cameron Beckett (right) and Beth Dollas stand after finishing the 2022 Little Rock Marathon on Sunday. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)
First place winners Cameron Beckett (right) and Beth Dollas stand after finishing the 2022 Little Rock Marathon on Sunday. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)

Cameron Beckett of Little Rock and Beth Dollas of Massachusetts are the winners of the 2022 Little Rock Marathon.

Beckett finished the race in 2:40, while Dollas completed it in 3:02. 

Less than four months ago, Beckett placed first in the half marathon, crossing the finish line in 1:11.20.

From a training standpoint it made sense, Beckett said. Because it worked well around other races he was doing, he said he decided to go for the full race.

“It’s good to do it at home around people I love,” he said. “It’s pretty special. It’s been a bucket list item for awhile.”

Beckett said it was an honor to win at home, and that it was special to do so during the 20th year of the race.


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