BOSTON MARATHON: Tributes mark 5th year after bombing
April 16, 2018 at 4:30 a.m.
The Associated Press
BOSTON -- It was a day filled with service and commemorations in honor of victims and survivors of the deadly Boston Marathon bombings five years ago.
Boston began the fifth anniversary of the attacks Sunday with Mayor Marty Walsh and Gov. Charlie Baker laying wreaths early in the morning at the spots along downtown Boylston Street where two bombs killed three spectators and maimed more than 260 others on April 15, 2013.
Both addressed families and survivors at a private ceremony inside the Boston Public Library.
"On April 15, 2013, our city changed forever, but over the last five years we have reclaimed hope. We have reclaimed the finish line and Boston has emerged with a new strength, a resilience rooted in love," Walsh said.
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