Little Rock to host DC Wonder Woman 5K/10K

Racers mug for the camera during the DC Wonder Woman Race Series on Nov. 4, 2018, in Los Angeles.
Racers mug for the camera during the DC Wonder Woman Race Series on Nov. 4, 2018, in Los Angeles.

Wonder Women, Wonder Men and Wonder Children will race through downtown Little Rock dressed as superheroes May 11 when the DC Wonder Woman 5K and 10K arrive in Arkansas.

Featuring costumes for all racers and a party atmosphere, the new footraces are part of the DC Wonder Woman Run Series, a joint project of California-based promoter SON Events and Warner Bros. Consumer Products on behalf of DC.

Little Rock Parks and Recreation’s Little Rock Marathon team is bringing the series to Clinton Presidential Park.

In 2018, its first year, the series of five races in California drew more than 10,000 participants, according to a news release. This year, the organizers are booking 10 events in cities across the nation and Canada.

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