Running with the Lord: Little Rock church to minister to marathoners, spectators with ‘Communion on the Run’
March 2, 2019 at 4:30 a.m.
Francisca Jones
Judith Faust first heard the United Methodist Church's slogan "Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors." in 2005 at Quapaw United Methodist Church, where she'd taken her mother for a worship service.
"I thought, 'Boy, if I'm going to be part of a church, that's the sort that I want to be part of,'" said Faust, who has worshipped at Quapaw Quarter ever since.
Faust recalled that her mind wasn't as open last year when the Rev. Keith Coker, Quapaw Quarter's pastor, proposed offering Communion -- the symbolic Christian rite of taking in the body of Christ -- to spectators of the Little Rock Marathon.
"I remember thinking -- and no doubt saying -- 'Well, I can't imagine that runners in the middle of a marathon would stop to take Communion,'" Faust said.
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