Little Rock Marathon finish lines

FULL COVERAGE: Ideal conditions: Top Little Rock Marathon runners say cold, wet weather not deterrent


South Lake Texas, 4:21:25.16

• Bosemani, a pediatric neuro-radiologist, completed a marathon in his 10th different state. His goal is to complete a marathon in all 50 states. "It was good, very good. It was very well-organized."


Burleson, Texas, 4:15:42.33

• Racing on her birthday, Brunson was hoping to use Sunday's race to prepare for another one. She found Little Rock's hills to be a challenge. "It was really tough. Those hills were killer," said Brunson, an accountant. "The weather was great, but I wasn't prepared for the hills. The last two were the toughest, but around Mile 16 was rough, too."


Conway, 3:33:52.

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