Ideal conditions: Top Little Rock Marathon runners say cold, wet weather not deterrent

Runners head off during the start of the 2019 Little Rock Marathon Sunday, March 3, 2018 in Little Rock.
Runners head off during the start of the 2019 Little Rock Marathon Sunday, March 3, 2018 in Little Rock.

The Little Rock Marathon was cold, wet and windy Sunday, conditions that made for somewhat miserable circumstances for runs or walks of 26 miles, 385 yards.

But for the elite runners, the weather was nearly ideal.

Overall winner Jeremy Provence wore running shorts and a light windbreaker. Still breathless from his effort, he addressed a dozen or more reporters, most bundled in multiple layers against a 31-degree wind chill and the sting of blowing snow and sleet.

"My jacket kept me warm," he said. "I was good the whole way. I was just focusing on staying at an even pace and just finishing."

Provence, 28, of Florence, Ala., won in 2:42:23.13. Adam Bradbury, 33, of Bryant, finished second in 2:51:02.24, and Justin Roth, 30, of Le Roy, Ill.,

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