RUNNING Hogeye Marathon shows no signs of slowing down

NWA Democrat-Gazette/CHARLIE KAIJO Pompilio Romero of Springdale crosses the finish line during the The 42nd annual Hogeye Marathon last year. A field of more than 2,000 runners are expected to take off today for the 43rd Hogeye Marathon from downtown Springdale.
NWA Democrat-Gazette/CHARLIE KAIJO Pompilio Romero of Springdale crosses the finish line during the The 42nd annual Hogeye Marathon last year. A field of more than 2,000 runners are expected to take off today for the 43rd Hogeye Marathon from downtown Springdale.

The sound of rubber hitting the pavement will start early this morning as the 43rd Hogeye Marathon takes off from downtown Springdale.

A field of more than 2,000 runners is expected for this year's event, including one runner from South Africa, said race director Tabby Holmes.

At A Glance

43rd Hogeye Marathon

At Springdale


5-6:30 a.m. Late packet pick-up

6:15 a.m. Marathon early start

7 a.m. Marathon, half-marathon, relay start

7:05 a.m. 5K start

8:15 a.m. 5K awards ceremony at Shiloh Square

9:30 a.m. Half marathon awards ceremony

Noon Marathon and relay awards ceremony

2 p.m. Kids marathon (starts at Luther George Park)

The 26.1-mile marathon is the main event, but there are other races as well, including a 5K, half-marathon and a four-member relay. This will be the third year the Hogeye Marathon has started in Springdale after many years of being a Fayetteville-based event.

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