Johnson barely misses his mark

NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson, of Charlotte, N.C., finishes the 123rd Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2019, in Boston. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)
NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson, of Charlotte, N.C., finishes the 123rd Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2019, in Boston. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)

BOSTON -- Seven-time NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson didn't have many problems on the Boston Marathon course Monday, finishing in 3 hours, 9 minutes, 7 seconds.

It was only after receiving his finisher's medal that Johnson ran into a road block: On his way to a postrace media availability, security wouldn't let him through.

On the course, it was a different story.

"I couldn't believe how many people did spot me," Johnson said. "Once somebody would recognize me, the crowd would get going and I could kind of egg them on and get everybody pretty loud, which is a lot of fun."

Unlike at a NASCAR race, when the fans are split among 40 different drivers, Johnson felt like the spectators lining the 26.2-mile course from Hopkinton to Boston's Copley Square were cheering for everyone.

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