Marathon crowd back in Little Rock

Participants in the 2023 Little Rock Marathon take off from the starting line in downtown Little Rock in this March 5, 2023 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)
Participants in the 2023 Little Rock Marathon take off from the starting line in downtown Little Rock in this March 5, 2023 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)

The 22nd annual Little Rock Marathon is set for Sunday morning with some slight adjustments being made in the schedule to compensate for the above average temperatures that are expected.

Originally set to start at 8 a.m., race officials made the decision to bump Sunday's marathon and half-marathon start times up to 5:30 a.m. for the early starters and 6 a.m. for everyone else out of an abundance of caution to make sure the race is as safe as possible for the 4,000-plus runners expected to participate.

"Based on the forecast and what we've seen predicted for this weekend, we've made the decision to start our races on Sunday a couple of hours earlier to make sure we're doing what's best for the athletes," race director Mike Garrity said during a news conference earlier in the week.


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