Runners prepare at own pace for the Little Rock Marathon

In this file photo runners take off as the 2019 Little Rock Marathon gets underway.
In this file photo runners take off as the 2019 Little Rock Marathon gets underway.

Anyone who stands near the Little Rock Marathon finish line on LaHarpe Boulevard from midmorning through midafternoon Sunday will understand why the event has long been marketed as Arkansas' race for every pace.

Since the race was first run in 2003, thousands of participants have seen it first-hand. The 26-mile, 385-yard race's winding out-and-back course allows most in its field at least occasional contact with everyone who starts. Though the race is noteworthy for streets and aid stations packed with volunteers and vocal spectators, many racers say they are inspired most by fellow entrants.

"When you run a marathon, no matter how fast or how slow, it changes you, and it's an accomplishment," said Tia Stone, 41, of Searcy, who won the women's division of the Little Rock Marathon from 2016-18.

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