Little Rock Marathon street closures

Runners make their way across the Broadway Bridge on March 1, 2020 in the early miles of the Little Rock Marathon. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staton Breidenthal)
Runners make their way across the Broadway Bridge on March 1, 2020 in the early miles of the Little Rock Marathon. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staton Breidenthal)

Here are times and locations for street closures because of the Little Rock Marathon. Race Director Mike Garrity said the course has rolling closures, meaning that — as athletes approach — the roads close. Once they pass by, the street will open back up. Additionally, there are hard closures around the edges of the course, specifically LaHarpe Boulevard between State Street and President Clinton Avenue in Little Rock, starting today. Comprehensive information and fully detailed course maps are available here: .

Thursday, November 18, 2021

9 a.m.-Late Sunday night Eastbound one lane closure on LaHarpe Boulevard, from State Street to Statehouse Convention

Friday, November 19, 2021

9 a.m.-Midnight Sunday Nov. 21 LaHarpe Boulevard will close in both directions, from State Street to President Clinton Avenue.


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