
  • Life during a pandemic

    We all need to find our new normal. We also need to be kind to each other!

  • A variety of friends events

    From dinners to phone visits, it was a good week connecting with friends.

  • Celebrating 60

    4 birthday celebrants at one time.

  • The Lowdown on Ironing

    I would never win an award for certain domestic tasks, and ironing would rank up toward the top.

  • The Start to the New Year

    A new year, with new beginnings, and maybe some superstitions that hopefully aren't true.

  • Oh What a Night!

    Late December back in 2019, I remember what a night!

  • Christmas 2019

    I thought being retired would make for a more relaxed holiday season, but that was not to be.

  • Holiday Happenings!

    Time runs by quickly with so many holiday events.

  • Annual Holiday Party

    I love to entertain, and this years holiday party was a breeze!

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