Mason Blu Murphy
Mason Blu Murphy


Mason Blu Murphy and Grant Edward Hughes were united in marriage June 8 at Searcy First Methodist Church. The Rev. Jeff Jackson officiated.

The parents of the bride are Ashley and Rory Conley and Suzanne and the late Terry Murphy, all of Searcy. She is the granddaughter of Linda and Larry Brashears and the late Norma Burgin.

The parents of the groom are Paula and Tommy Hughes of Jonesboro. His grandparents are Melissa and Carl Powell and the late Rosemary and Pete Hughes.

Honor attendants were Meg Brashears, Marshall Milligan and Matt Hughes.

The bride is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a bachelor's degree in public safety and has a bachelor's degree in nursing from Arkansas State University. She is a registered nurse at Mission Family Practice.


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