Mary Katherine Kline - Justin Yandell Lamb

MK Lamb
(Max Grubb Weddings)
MK Lamb (Max Grubb Weddings)

Mary Katherine Kline, who goes by MK, and Justin Yandell Lamb exchanged marriage vows 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 3, at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church. The Rev. Patrick Friend officiated.

Parents of the bride are Bonnie and Robert Kline of Jonesboro. Her grandparents are Guy and the late Joyce Riga, also of Jonesboro, and Jane and the late John Robert Kline of St. Petersburg, Fla.

The groom is the son of Ashley Cope and Kyle Lamb, both of Little Rock. He is the grandson of Becky and Harold Yandell of Fort Smith and Susan and the late Jerry Lamb of Little Rock.

The ceremony site was decorated with wedding flowers in pastel greens, oranges, pinks and yellow. Music was by accompanist Jason Saugey and the cellist Brie Anwar.


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