Haley Elizabeth Kay O’Dwyer - Tucker James Teague

Haley Elizabeth Kay Teague
(Pics by Paige)
Haley Elizabeth Kay Teague (Pics by Paige)

Haley Elizabeth Kay O'Dwyer and Tucker James Teague exchanged marriage vows at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 8, at The Venue at Oakdale in Sherwood. The Rev. Virginia Musselman, cousin of the bride, officiated.

Tiffany and Kevin O'Dwyer of Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of Kristy and Dr. GJ Tellez of Little Rock, Sue O'Dwyer and the late Bernard O'Dwyer, both of Conway. Gloria Spearman, also of Little Rock, is great-grandmother of the bride.

The groom is the son of Debbie and Michael Teague of Little Rock. His grandparents are Gwin and the late William Hughes of Benton, Melanie and Richard Orintas and the late Judy Orintas, all also of Little Rock.

The bride, given in marriage by her parents, wore a strapless ballgown with a scoop neckline and an overlay of textured embroidered lace.

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