Trinity Episcopal Cathedral was the setting at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21 for the marriage of Courtney Elizabeth Ross and Braden Thomas Brown. Officiating were the retired Rev. Dr. Christoph Keller lll and the Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux of the cathedral.
Parents of the bride are Kelly and Robert Mitchell Ross Sr. of Little Rock. Her grandparents are Smith Fausett, the late Lynda McCain Fausett, Frances Roots Mitchell Ross and the late Robert Ross, all also of Little Rock.
The groom is the son of Paula Brown and the late Steve Brown of Jonesboro. He is the grandson of the late Suzanne and Worth Gibson and the late Martha and Tommy Brown, all also of Jonesboro.
Special friends standing in for the couple's grandparents were Cathy Mayton, Debbie Spence and Missy Murry.
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