Rebekah Elizabeth Hallman - James Russell Ellison

Rebekah Elizabeth Ellison
(Photography by Melisa)
Rebekah Elizabeth Ellison (Photography by Melisa)

Wedding vows were exchanged by Rebekah Elizabeth Hallman and James Russell Ellison at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21, in the Cathedral of St. Andrew. The Rev. John M. Connell of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Conway, and Deacon Charles V. Ashburn of the Cathedral officiated.

Shawn and Mark Hallman of Benton are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of Wanda and James Hallman of Benton, Bettie Leonard of Hensley and the late Gene Hill of Little Rock.

Parents of the groom are Terry and Bruce Ellison of Palos Heights, Ill. His grandparents are the late Leona and Russell Ellison of Bradenton, Fla., and the late Lorraine and Jim Bell of Evergreen Park, Ill.

Arrangements of lilies, antique hydrangeas, Queen Anne's lace, larkspur, Italian ruscus and seeded eucalyptus decorated the chancel.

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