Wedding vows were exchanged by Meredith Donovan Sokora and Phillip Lee Gamber at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, at Hunt Chapel in Rogers. Ryan Hughes of Souls of Christ Community Church in Bentonville officiated.
Maureen and Richard Sokora of Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of Faith and Gary McLaughlin and Catherine and Michael Donovan, all also of Little Rock, and the late Mary Louise and Joseph Nahay Sokora.
The groom is the son of Chuck and Deborah Gamber of Denver and the late Anne Gamber. He is the grandson of the late Charles Leroy Gamber Jr. and the late Jane Gamber both of Arvada, Colo.; and the late Henry Mitchell Reynolds and the late Nancy Reynolds, both of Clemson, S.C.
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