Megan Elizabeth McCain and Seth Reaves Bryant were united in marriage at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. The Very Rev. Amy Meaux officiated.
Missy and Thomas McCain of North Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of Sheila and the late Mike Mehaffy, the late Bertyle McCain and the late Beverly and William Ross McCain Jr., all also of Little Rock.
The parents of the groom are Rhonda and Mark Bryant of Monticello. His grandparents are Robbie and Larry Reaves of Warren and Wendall and Olita Bryant, also of Monticello.
The chancel was decorated with poinsettias, Christmas trees and arrangements of red anemones, garden roses, hypericum, ivory hydrangeas, evergreens and pine cones.
Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a princess-style strapless Mikado gown with a pearl and beaded jacket.
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