Sydney Raye Morgan - Rail Gunner Gilliam

Sydney Raye Gilliam
(Kati Mallory Fine Art Photography)
Sydney Raye Gilliam (Kati Mallory Fine Art Photography)

Sydney Raye Morgan became the bride of Rail Gunner Gilliam at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 13, at Legacy Acres in Conway. William Richard James, stepfather of the bride, officiated.

Parents of the bride are Kim and Richard James of Maumelle and Robert Morgan of Little Rock. She is the granddaughter of Ella Jean Mack and the late Francis Ray Parton, both of Piggot, and the late Donna and Robert Morgan of North Little Rock.

The groom is the son of Gina and Billy Gilliam of Ward. His grandparents are Gloria and Shelby White of Beebe and Ann and Robert Gilliam of Cabot.

The chapel's chancel area held an arch made by the groom's father and covered in garden roses, lilies, hydrangeas and orchids in shades of pink, yellow, apricot and spring green.

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