Madison Jean Stephens - Jacob Oneal Sutter

Madison Jean Sutter
(Laney Media)
Madison Jean Sutter (Laney Media)

Madison Jean Stephens became the bride of Jacob Oneal Sutter at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 3, in the Great Hall of the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center. Stephen Coburn officiated.

Parents of the bride are Lori and Dr. Jeffrey Carfagno of Little Rock and Joel Stephens of Louisville, Ky. She is the granddaughter of Debbie Queen of Apex, N.C.; Larry and Beverly Varnadoe of Eagle Lake, Fla.; Billy and Rita Stephens of Hawesville, Ky., and the late Deborah Crume.

The groom is the son of Pamela and Neal Sutter of Roland. His grandparents are Don Pfeifer of Little Rock, the late Nancy Pfeifer, the late Oneal Sutter and the late Linda Boswell.

Candles lined the windows and illuminated the ceremony aisle. Several large arrangements of white tulips in glass trumpet vases surrounded the altar.

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