Marisa Ann Erwin - Alexander Deanes Rowedder

Marisa Ann Rowedder
(Greg Finck)
Marisa Ann Rowedder (Greg Finck)

Marisa Ann Erwin and Alexander Deanes Rowedder exchanged marriage vows at 5 p.m. Saturday, March 16, at the American Church in Paris. Pastor Miyoung Paik officiated at the ceremony.

Terri and Chuck Erwin of Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of the late Virginia and John B. Johnson and Patricia and Harry Erwin.

Parents of the groom are Tracey Bibi Rowedder of Atlanta and the late Deanes L. Rowedder.

The Gothic arched entrance into the church was adorned with a French garden installation of French tulips, hydrangeas, campanula, roses, asters and ranunculus. Floral white and green garlands covered the handrails that led to the arched entrance. The white carpeted center aisle leading to the altar was lined with floral borders of white asters, snapdragons, delphiniums, helleborus and tulips.

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