Jaclyn Thomas Pugh - Devin Ivan Clyburn

Jaclyn Clyburn
(Melly M. Jones Photography)
Jaclyn Clyburn (Melly M. Jones Photography)

Jaclyn Thomas Pugh and Devin Ivan Clyburn exchanged wedding vows at 5 p.m. April 20 at Dogwood Canyon Nature Park, Lampe, Mo. James Jones officiated.

Cindy and Tom Pugh of Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of the late Elsie and Tom Pugh of Portland (Ashley County), and the late Shirley Thomas Brown and Jack Thomas of Little Rock.

Parents of the groom are Chai and Lindsey Clyburn of Maumelle. His grandparents are Judy Henry of Little Rock, Michael Clyburn of Sherwood and the late Komdee Nagy of Bangkok.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a fitted Vera Wang gown of organza, tulle and Chantilly lace. Her cathedral-length tulle veil was a borrowed treasure previously worn by two close friends in the bridal party.

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