Nuptial vows were exchanged by Hannah Webb Hefley and Derek Wayne Raiford at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at The Grandeur House. Kyle Heffley of Rogers, uncle of the bride, officiated.
Lisa and Dr. William F. Hefley Jr. of Little Rock are the parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of Dr. Bill F. Hefley Sr. of Little Rock, the late Jane Hefley, and the late JoAnn and Allen Webb.
The groom is the son of Betty and Danny Raiford of Star City. His grandparents are the late Olen and Marnell Johnson, the late Mir Reen and the late L.H. Raiford, all of Pine Bluff.
The ceremony site was backed with an embankment of wedding flowers in shades of pink, blue and yellow and the altar held arrangements of hydrangeas, garden roses, blue delphinium, yellow gladiola, eremurus, plumosa and limonium.
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