Plans to raze Texas church where gunman opened fire in 2017 draw visitors back to sanctuary
July 6, 2024 at 2:28 a.m.
Fernanda Figueroa and Jamie Stengle The Associated Press
SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas -- Plans to tear down a small Texas church where a gunman in 2017 killed more than two dozen worshippers drew visitors Tuesday as a last-minute push was made to stop the demolition.
Leaders of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs have not publicly announced when it plans to demolish the sanctuary, where authorities put the number of dead from the shooting at 26 people, including a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, in what remains the deadliest church shooting in U.S. history.
Inside the church Tuesday, victims' relatives and community members who came to see the memorial, possibly for the last time, sat on the floor in somber silence. Roses were placed in remembrance of the lives lost.
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