Church notes: Live painting event by Kamaal Manboard’s Architectonic series today at St. James Missionary Baptist Church outreach center

First United Church is dedicated to serving the community of Springdale through various outreach programs and ministries, such as its Summer Foods Program to provide nutritious meals and engaging activities to children. Rev. Joshua Bland, Director of Missions and Outreach, said the program addresses the critical issue of food insecurity among children during the summer break when school meals are not available. It also allows volunteers to connect with kids and families directly.

(Submitted Photos)
First United Church is dedicated to serving the community of Springdale through various outreach programs and ministries, such as its Summer Foods Program to provide nutritious meals and engaging activities to children. Rev. Joshua Bland, Director of Missions and Outreach, said the program addresses the critical issue of food insecurity among children during the summer break when school meals are not available. It also allows volunteers to connect with kids and families directly. (Submitted Photos)

Benton County

Bella Vista Community Church, 75 E. Lancashire Blvd. in Bella Vista, holds services at 10 a.m. each Sunday, during which there is a Kid's Connect offered, as well as a nursery.

Bella Vista Awakening! - Revival services for the church and community are scheduled for October 4, 5 and 6. Alex McFarland is guest speaker for these services.

The Women's Bible Study is studying Genesis 12-33: The Father of Israel. The cost of the book is $10. It has two study times to choose from, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. and 5:30 to 7:15 p.m. The study is open to all women in the community.

The Men's Bible Fellowship meets every Wednesday at 8 a.m. An evening Men's Bible Fellowship meets on the second and fourth Thursdays at 6 p.m.

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