OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Pudding Poke Cake the easy favorite

Pudding Poke Cake made with yellow cake and chocolate fudge pudding. 
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Pudding Poke Cake made with yellow cake and chocolate fudge pudding. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

My husband recently celebrated a birthday. I won't age him publicly, but let's just say it was a big one. Big enough that we would have done something special if not for the coronavirus pandemic.

As it was he didn't feel like celebrating, so instead we had a quiet evening at home. We ordered delivery pizza, and I didn't even bake him a cake. Which is shameful if you consider how simple and easy it is to make his favorite birthday cake.

He calls it a pudding cake, but you may know it as poke cake. And it is stupid easy: Bake any cake mix according to package directions, in a 9-by-13-inch pan, poke holes in it with the handle of a wooden spoon, pour your favorite flavor of prepared instant pudding over the cake and refrigerate until set.

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