OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Lemon Buttermilk Pie in celebration of Pi Day

Lemon Buttermilk Pie (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Lemon Buttermilk Pie (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

One of my favorite fake holidays is just around the corner: Pi Day — not to be confused with another favorite, National Pie Day, observed Jan. 23 — on March 14.

The day celebrates Pi, the mathematical constant that states that the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (or, as Math Is Fun puts it, "all the way around a circle divided by all the way across it) will always be 3.14. It is often celebrated with Pi reciting competitions (3.14 are just the first three digits of this unending number) and, my favorite, eating pie.

Pi Day was started in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw at San Francisco's Exploratorium, but I don't think most of us were aware of it until more recently.

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