If recent weather (highs in the 90s already!) is any indication of the kind of summer that's in store for us, you're going to want to commit this recipe to memory.
This almost no-cook chilled soup is bright and fresh and so easy to make: Saute a bit of onion, celery and garlic until soft. Defrost frozen sweet peas with boiling water; drain. Blitz with a bit of water, plain yogurt, lemon juice and fresh herbs. Chill until ready to serve.
That's all there is to it.
The recipe is from "Your Daily Veg: Modern, Fuss-Free Vegetarian Food" by Joe Woodhouse (Kyle Books, $26.99). The original recipe called for 18 ounces of peas, but knowing I'd be the only one eating it (husband Joe is not a pea fan, despite my attempts to convert him) I used a 10-ounce bag and adjusted the other ingredients accordingly.
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