OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Make this cheesy, spicy quick bread with beer or buttermilk

Cheddar-Jalapeno Quick Bread made with beer (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Cheddar-Jalapeno Quick Bread made with beer (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Like most avid cooks and bakers, I have a (bad) habit of saving recipes and then misplacing or forgetting about them until much later. Usually, when I come back to a recipe I saved for my "to-make" list it's with the same excitement as when I found it the first time. "Oooh! I want to make that." But occasionally, I'll find one that leaves me wondering why I ever saved it.

That was the case with a cheddar-herb quick bread I had on one of the many, many tabs on my phone's web browser. Sure, the recipe sounded good in name, but reading through the ingredients and instructions, I immediately questioned my judgment. The quick recipe included "a little bit" — 1 whole tablespoon! — of yeast to give it "a traditional bread flavor."

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