In the winter, I love serving pot roast or chili over fried polenta. But in summer, my cravings turn to cooler fare.
Here, prepared polenta is cut into rounds, pan-fried in olive oil and topped like nachos — I used leftover taco meat, kidney beans, jalapenos, cheddar cheese, julienned radishes, pickled red onion (from last week's column), cilantro, cherry tomatoes (for me) and sliced black olives (for my husband). If I'd had one, I would have added a diced avocado or a spoonful of guacamole, but I didn't.
These are not your average eat-with-your-fingers pickup nachos. These are fork nachos.
We call them Polentchos.
A word of warning though: Prepared polenta, although firm, is quite moist so there will be quite a bit of popping and spattering as the rounds cook in the hot oil.
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