Bloody marvelous

RECIPES: Blood oranges are a colorful and tasty addition to Valentine’s Day recipes

Chocolate Loaf Cake With Blood Orange Glaze (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Chocolate Loaf Cake With Blood Orange Glaze (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Blood oranges, with their deep, rosy-red flesh, are the most striking and beautiful of citrus fruits. With their season corresponding with Valentine's Day, they're a natural choice for adding a burst of color and flavor to dishes intended for romance.

The fact that they play well with other noted culinary wooers — chocolate, tequila, caramel — makes them all the more appealing.

If you can't find blood oranges, don't fret. Any orange or tangerine will taste great in the following recipes.

Here, blood orange juice blushes a simple confectioners' sugar glaze while providing a seductive whisper of orange flavor topping this rich, dense chocolate loaf cake. If you'd like a more pronounced orange flavor, swap orange extract for the vanilla.

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