These pecan bars are easier to make than pie and just as tasty. Unlike pecan pie, they're safe to serve those with egg allergies.
The foundation of the bars is a simple, butter-rich shortcrust pastry and then brown-sugar-and-butter-coated pecans are piled on top, and the whole thing is baked until bubbly and golden.
The original recipe, from Cook's Illustrated, called for toasting the pecans first. I skipped that step, and they turned out great.
These would be an excellent addition to your Thanksgiving table.
It's funny how our tastes change. I was never much of a fan of pecans in desserts until the past few years. I liked them plain or in savory dishes but never dessert. Pecan pie, with its caramelly custard, was just too sweet, even for my insatiable sweet tooth.
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