Where to find Arkansas peaches + recipes to savor them

Peach Galette a la mode (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Peach Galette a la mode (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

A perfectly summer ripe peach may be one of the most wonderful things on this planet.

A mushy, mealy peach picked before it was ripe, refrigerated and shipped thousands of miles is definitely not.

Arkansas is blessed with a plethora of peach varieties that, in a good year, means we can enjoy these fuzzy stone fruits from June until September.

2021 has not been a good year.

Peach orchards across the state experienced a double whammy of bitter sub-freezing temperatures and snow early in the season followed by a late freeze in April. For some orchards that combination means they will have no peaches this year. Other orchards fared a little better.

Here's a roundup of peach orchards and farm stands around the state and their peach status as of deadline.

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