I love the combination of flavors and textures in this dish. The bright herbs (I used mostly parsley with a hefty bit of mint and just a little cilantro) and fragrant sauce really bring everything together. Don't skimp on either.
The recipe is adapted from/inspired by the Moroccan Skewers in "Milk Street Cookish: Throw It Together" by Christopher Kimball.
The Milk Street recipe takes boneless chicken thighs and coats them in a slather of lemon, olive oil, honey, ginger, coriander, cumin and black pepper. The thighs are skewered and broiled until cooked through. The dish is finished with a sprinkling of fresh herbs and a squeeze of juice from broiler-charred lemon.
My version swaps limes in for lemons, adds a bit of garlic and uses chicken breasts rather than thighs.
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