
OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Scallops combine with corn, peaches, jalapeno for simple dish bursting with flavor

Seared Scallops Over Corn, Peaches and Tomatoes (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Seared Scallops Over Corn, Peaches and Tomatoes (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

This recipe tastes indulgent but is actually quite simple. Seared sea scallops served atop a bed of in-season sweet corn, peaches, tomatoes and jalapeno dressed with olive oil and lime juice. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

I like to heat the corn just long enough to knock the "raw" off without cooking it. You could skip this step or if you prefer, use fully cooked corn.

Most scallop recipes will instruct you to buy dry-packed scallops, which are fantastic if you can find them. But we live in landlocked Arkansas, so the vast majority of the seafood sold here will be frozen or have been previously frozen. And that means the scallops will likely be wet-packed.

Wet-packed scallops have been treated with a solution of water and sodium tripolyphosphate immediately after harvest at sea.

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