Oktoberfest indoors: Schnitzel, beer cheese and 4 more recipes to take holiday home

Obatzda, a Bavarian beer cheese spread (Democrat-Gazette file photo)
Obatzda, a Bavarian beer cheese spread (Democrat-Gazette file photo)

There will be no strolls on Die Wiesn. No barmaids impressing festivalgoers by carrying armloads of full liter beer steins through a crowded tent. No giant pretzels. No trips on the giant Ferris wheel. No gingerbread hearts with "I mog di" scrawled in icing across the front.

Oktoberfest 2021, like Oktoberfest 2020, was canceled because of the ongoing pandemic. The 187th festival would have taken place Sept. 18-Oct. 3 in Munich.

Here in Arkansas, however, there are several celebrations planned, including but not limited to:

◼️ Rocktoberfest (Saturday at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock, littlerocktoberfest.com)

◼️ Rusty Tractor Vineyards and Fassler Hall's second annual Oktoberfest (Sunday at Rusty Tractor Vineyards in Little Rock, rustytractorvineyards.com)

◼️ Arkansas Brewers Guild Oktoberfest (Oct. 7, Fayetteville Town Square,

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