RECIPE: Yeasted Breakfast Cake provides the perfect canvas for delicious fruit
August 19, 2020 at 2:18 a.m.
Ben Mims Los Angeles Times (TNS)
While summer in the "before times" may have meant swimsuits and beach days to most people, to me it only ever meant it was time to eat all the stone fruit now! As anyone who counts fruit as their true love can attest, now is the season of lustful infatuation. Berries are great, but have you ever bitten into a peak-season peach and had its juice run down your arm?
I buy the callipygous beauties - plums, apricots and dozens of hybrids - by the case to eat raw. Any surplus fruit becomes jam for year-round indulging, but first, a few choice specimens get strewn over one of my most favorite, ridiculously simple treats for highlighting fruit: yeasted cake.
I first made the cake from a recipe in one of my favorite cookbooks, "Simple Desserts" by Ken Haedrich.
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