OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Set off eating season with pinwheels, deviled eggs

Deviled eggs alongside cornichons (tiny sour pickles), almonds and salami-wrapped cheese make an easy, yet festive finger food spread. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Deviled eggs alongside cornichons (tiny sour pickles), almonds and salami-wrapped cheese make an easy, yet festive finger food spread. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Tomorrow officially begins the season of eating. For the unfamiliar, the season of eating begins on Thanksgiving and continues through Super Bowl Sunday.

Food is as much a part of the holidays (yes, I'm including a certain football game in the umbrella of holidays because for some it is that important) as the togetherness. Depending on your specific situation and level of comfort, you could be back to big gatherings and crowded tables laden with platters of everyone's favorites. Or maybe you're still sticking it out with just your immediate household.

As much as I love all the traditional dishes, I also love the finger foods. Especially those made with staples from my fridge and pantry.

These savory bites can be made ahead and frozen for up to 1 month; simply pull out the desired number of bites and reheat at 375 degrees.


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