It’s the bomb: Self-taught baker makes childhood delights like Winnie the Pooh hot cocoa bombs
February 9, 2022 at 2:17 a.m.
Jackie Varriano, The Seattle Times (TNS)
SEATTLE — Every Friday night Roxie Star finishes up work and heads to her downstairs kitchen to play. In front of a sleek white and gray tiled kitchen background, Star creates YouTube videos filled with a rainbow of colors and kawaii-style (cute) treats — Fruity Pebbles hot-cocoa bombs, koala-shaped cupcakes and cakes, intricately frosted on the outside and bursting with orbs of color on the inside.
Since the pandemic started, hot-cocoa bombs have captured her creative energy — hollow globes of chocolate filled with cocoa mix and mini marshmallows. Place the bomb into a mug of steaming milk and the chocolate melts away, the marshmallows bobbing to the top. For Star, these cute chocolate treats were a way to connect with her nieces and nephews.
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