OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Smoked cream cheese recipe a keeper
July 7, 2021 at 7:04 a.m.
I got the idea for this "recipe" from Facebook. Over the course of a week, the same post kept appearing in my newsfeed — each time it was shared by a different friend with no connection to the previous friend.
The post was for smoked cream cheese. And it could not have been simpler: Unwrap a block of cream cheese, generously coat it with your favorite seasoning blend, drizzle the edges with a bit of olive oil and smoke it (on a sheet of heavy-duty foil) at 250 degrees for 3 hours.
To find out more, I googled "smoked cream cheese" and dove into the search results.
The instructions were all about the same with the only differences being time and temperature. Some cooks smoked theirs as low as 100 degrees but most were in the 200 to 250 range.
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