Let them Linger

RECIPES: Cranberries are a great holiday ingredient that transcend their spot at Thanksgiving

Cranberry Pavlova (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Cranberry Pavlova (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

We love jellied canned cranberry sauce as much as the next gal — in fact, it is our preferred cranberry sauce for pairing with roast turkey — but we love the versatility of fresh cranberries even more.

With their deep red color and bright pop of puckery tartness, fresh cranberries are the perfect fruit for dressing up a holiday table — whether on your plate or centerpiece.

The following are some of our favorite ways to enjoy this seasonal fruit. If you can't find fresh cranberries, frozen will work in most of the following recipes.

Cranberries blended with granulated sugar add instant color and zip. Use this brightly hued sugar as you would regular granulated sugar anywhere you'd like the fresh zing of cranberries.

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